Thursday, September 8, 2011

Remembering 9.11 Together

As you know, this Sunday is the 10th anniversary of the attacks on September 11, 2001. Brown University's Office of Chaplains and Religious Life will be hosting two events to commemorate the event. In order to encourage everyone to take part in these events, our regular service of Evening Prayer will be canceled.

2-4pm The Main Green
Remembering 9.11 Together
Celebrating the Work of Building Peace
Engage in practices for keeping well and building peace; walk a labyrinth, fold origami cranes, juggle and make peace flags.

4pm Manning Chapel Steps
Remembering 9.11 Together
A Rite of Remembrance
President Simmons and the Chaplains of the University welcome religious and government leaders to campus for a rite of remembrance and understanding.

Following the Rite of Remembrance, I will be going downtown to the diocesan commemoration, a service of Evensong held at Grace Church at 5pm. Anyone who wishes to attend is welcome to come with me. 

Friday, September 2, 2011

Welcome (back) to Brown! Lemonade!

A warm welcome to all new first years from the Episcopal Ministry at Brown/RISD! Please feel to look around the site for more information about who we are and about our services and events. We have a lot going on this semester.

Also, please stop by S. Stephen's Church Saturday from 10am-4pm for some thirst quenching lemonade.

We're the the big gothic church across the street from the Ratty.

For all those returning to Brown, welcome back! We will be having our regular service and dinner on Sunday evening at 5pm. I look forward to seeing you all soon.

- Michael Tuck+
  Episcopal Campus Minister

Summer BBQ

Even when the term isn't in session, the fun continues. Several of us we here in Providence over the summer and so a BBQ seemed like the thing to do.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Maundy Thursday: Agapé Meal

Foot washing comes later though

This Thursday, the Christian groups on campus will be holding a simple, vegetarian agapé meal. These meals have often been used by Christian communities to remind themselves of the final meal Jesus shared with his disciples.

The agapé will be held at the University Chaplain’s house (58 Keene Street) at 5:00pm. It should last about an hour or an hour and a half, so there will be plenty of time to get to wherever you will be celebrating Maundy Thursday. This is also the regular venue for the Thursday Night Interfaith Supper, so there should be an interesting crowd.

So there will be free food this week after all…

Friday, April 15, 2011

Palm Sunday

P. Diddy doesn't have a donkey.

In a cruel twist of fate, Spring Weekend is also the weekend of Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week. I encourage you all to participate as fully as you can in the services of Holy Week. Taken together, these services encapsulate just about the whole of the Christian experience. Please check out the Holy Week tab above for service times.

The festivities (and they are intended to be fun, but perhaps less conventionally fun than TV on the Radio) begin this Sunday with the Blessing of Palms,  the Triumphal Procession (see above), and the Passion.

We will be having our normal service at 5pm on Sunday afternoon, but please note that we will NOT be having supper afterwards.

The image is from the Digital Image Library from the Pitt Theological Library at Emory University. It's pretty cool.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Holy Week and Easter

Now is the time to begin planning your Holy Week devotions!

In addition to all of the services and devotions planned at the University, all four of the local parishes are planning full schedules for Holy Week and Easter. See the Holy Week tab at the top for more information.

Since Holy Week falls during the term, please think carefully about classes that you may need to miss in order to fulfill your spiritual commitments. I would be happy to talk to you about any concerns you have.

Watch this space for more updates on our Holy Week devotions and Easter festivities...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Taizé Services with the Roman Catholic Community

Manning may not look quite like this, but it will be close.

Using music from the ecumenical monastic community at Taizé, these candle light services focus on simplicity and contemplation. If you haven't experienced Taizé before, I would strongly recommend that you give it a try. All services are will be held in Manning Chapel. The remaining services during Lent are

- Monday, April 4 6:30pm
Wednesday, April 13 6:30pm
Monday, April 18 6:30pm